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 Price List

Still Life​

Big Yawn ......................... private collection

Collins Family ................. private collection

Elizabeth Anne............... private collection

Emma Marie .................. private collection
Havanna ..............................................  $300

Margaret Mary .............. private collection

Pearl ................................  private collection

Peter ................................ private collection

Ryan ................................. private collection
Ryan Chamaki ...............  private collection
The Trumpet Lesson

Two Sprites .................... private collection

Beach scene .......................................$300
Beyond Sunrise Lake ....................... $500
Downside Abbey .............................. $400
Garonne Canal ................................  $300
High Sierra Rapids ...........................$300
Pinecrest Lake ............private collection

St. Emillion ........................................ $300
Storm Coming .................................  $200
Tuolumne Meadows ........................$300 

Tuscany Spring ...............................  $350

Une Allée en Eze ............................  $300



Flowers in Round Bowl ................  $400
Le Chat dans la Fenêtre ..............  $300
Mystery Window ...........................  $250
​Red Onions after Matisse ...........  $400

Still Life after Charles Demuth

                                  ....private collection

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